best dog fencesFor many people, dogs are additional members of the family. Their health and security are of the utmost importance, which is why so many people go to great lengths to keep their furry family members happy. One of the easiest ways to protect your dog is to install a dog fence on your property. This way, your dog can enjoy the great outdoors for hours on end without the risk of running into the road or escaping and getting lost. 

In today’s guide, we’re going to look into what makes a dog fence both functional and beautiful. And anytime you need a fence, just reach out to the experts at the AAA Fence Co. for help!

What Makes a Great Dog Fence?

The primary function of a dog fence is to keep your dog(s) protected. This means that they can’t escape and get hurt or lost. As a result, a great dog fence needs to be one that is durable and capable of restricting your dog from getting out, as well as restricting other animals or people from getting in. It’s really that simple! That said, there are some factors that can affect the efficacy of a dog fence, as well as the long-term value it brings to you and your family. In the next section, we’ll go over some things you’ll want to think about when designing a dog fence on your property. 

Factors to Consider When Designing a Dog Fence

Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two dogs are exactly alike, either. You’ll need to think about the needs, behaviors, and even physical characteristics of your pet when designing a fence. But those aren’t the only things to consider. Here are the top factors we look at when designing and building dog fences for our clients:

  • Dog Size – The type of fence you need will partially depend on the size of your dog. If you have a small dog, you’ll need a fence that either has openings that are too small or no openings at all for the dog to get in or out. If you have a larger dog, you’ll want to make sure that the fence is high enough to prevent them from jumping over. 
  • Behavior – Some dogs love to chew, dig, bark, and generally burn off a lot of excess energy. These types of behavior can dictate what type of fence is best. For example, if your dog likes to chew, a wooden fence may not be ideal. Alternatively, if your dog likes to dig, it’s important to have a fence with posts that go deep into the ground so that the dog cannot dig their way out. Dogs that have a tendency to bark or get anxious when they see other animals or people may be better off with a solid fence that limits visibility to the street or surrounding property. 
  • Property Size & Characteristics – Some dogs only need a relatively small amount of space to use the bathroom and enjoy the great outdoors. Others need a larger area to run around and play. Your property size and its proximity to nearby roads may also affect the kind of fence that is best for your animal. 
  • Aesthetic Appeal – Finally, you’ll want to consider the aesthetic appeal of your fence in relation to the rest of your home. Having a fence that doesn’t match the look of your home could be jarring. For this reason, we consider this factor when designing dog fences, even though it has little effect on your dog’s enjoyment!

Where to Get the Best Dog Fences in Florida

Are you looking for the best dog fences in Florida? Do you need a fence that can keep your dog safe and happy? Finally, do you want to get professionals who have years of experience designing and installing dog fences? If so, the AAA Fence Co. is here to help. We can work with you to build the best dog fence for your property, your family, and — of course — your dog! Reach out to our team to learn more!